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An Easier Mile

Celebrating and amplifying the sacrificial efforts of working-class immigrant and minority parents.

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Home: Welcome
Our "Why"

Life is like a marathon - one where the finish line in America is often defined by a white picket fence, a split-level home, a two-car garage and two laughing children. 


However, not all marathons are created equal - in this country, the privileged are born near the finish line while others start at mile zero, then run against the winds of social injustice. 


Further, not all miles are created equal - physically yes, emotionally no. Some slope downward and feel rewarding and energizing; others steepen uphill mercilessly and seem everlasting. 


An Easier Mile was established to meet disadvantaged working-class immigrant and minority parents where they are, to make some of their miles feel easier than the others - to give them a moment's rest, a validating cheer, a fresh pair of shoes, and above all else a partner to run alongside them - even if just for a mile - in their marathons of sacrificial love. 

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Our "How"

Be in Your Corner

Sometimes it just takes a few people - the 'right' people of influence, to be in your corner and level the playing field a bit. Someone you can call and trust.


Get From Good to Great

Government programs and NGO efforts often seek to elevate from "poor" to "fair", leaving a gap for those at the inflection point. Until diversity is achieved in positions of influence, real change cannot happen. 


Catalyze Upward Mobility

Those we are seeking to serve will get there on their own, but we want to help them go faster - from 10 generations of steady progress to three generations of step-change mobility. 

Home: Services
Home: About

We are grateful to serve immigrant and minority parents with...

  • All children <18 and living at home​

  • All adults in household working 40+ hours per week (pre-COVID) at a​

    • Near-minimum wage job (e.g. cashier, server) and/or​

    • Service industry job (e.g. cleaner, landscaper) and/or

    • Entry-level professional job (e.g. receptionist, home health aid)

  • ...or working 7 days a week (e.g. restaurant owner, multiple jobs)​


Note: Candidates do not need to be English speaking or provide proof of legal status. 

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Our "Who"
Home: Subscribe

Join Us

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Whether it's a half hour a month or a few phone calls a year, if you share our passion we would love to have you as a partner and advisor.

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An Easier Mile gratefully remains privately funded by its founders and board members. We are not accepting donations at this time in order to focus all time and efforts towards serving families.

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